Fight Inequality Alliance
FIA are a growing global movement organising and mobilising to counter the excessive concentration of power and wealth in the hands of a small elite, building a just, equal and sustainable world.
In collaboration with the good people at Better by Codesign we created a series of assets for them including a full report with their pandemic research from 2022 as well as infographics and a video showcasing all their findings.
This infographic was based on the findings of the report taking the most important statistics and creating impactful illustrations.
As part of the project we created a series of animated gifs for use on social media to convey the most impactful findings of the report.
Inequalities have increased due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The most common impacts have been increased prices of basic goods, unemployment, gender violence, poverty, migration and problems with accessing public services, particularly healthcare.
The pandemic has made existing problems more visible. Increasing power of elites, patriarchy and neoliberal policies are highlighted as the most important causes behind rising inequalities.
Who are the Fight Inequality Alliance?
We are a growing global movement organising and mobilising to counter the excessive concentration of power and wealth in the hands of a small elite. We are building a just, equal and sustainable world.
We unite a wide range of social movements, grassroots and community based organisations, civil society organisations, trade unions, artists and individual activists from across the world who share a vision and purpose in fighting the structural causes of inequality together.